1. Installing MUSCIMarker

The installation instructions should work regardless of platform, thanks to the magic of Anaconda. The operating system-dependent part is covered in Kivy’s installation instruction (see below).

These instructions are written so that you don’t need admin access and don’t even need to be any kind of IT person.


If you have a problem during the installation process, don’t hesitate to contact us at hajicj@ufal.mff.cuni.cz. Try to include “MUSCIMarker install error” in the subject line, please: it will make us get back to you sooner!

During installation, you will need to use the command line. On Windows, this is called the Command Prompt: the program name is cmd, you can search for it from the Start menu in Windows 7 or with the magnifying glass from Windows 10. On Linux and OS X, it’s the terminal and we sort of assume you know how to find it on these systems. ;)


Using the command line consists of typing in commands and running them with the Enter key. Don’t worry if line wrap cuts the command in two, it’s your keystroke that matters.

1.1. Install Anaconda

The first step is to install Anaconda. MUSCIMarker runs for Python 2.7, so either get Anaconda2, or create a Python 2.7 environment. Downloading and installing Anaconda should take about 15-20 minutes on a fast connection. During installation, unless you know what you are doing, use the defaults (install for current user only, add to PATH, make it the default Python, etc.).

If you want Anaconda3 with a Python 2 environment, open the command line after installing Anaconda and type:

conda create -n py27 python=2.7 anaconda

This is going to take some 15 - 20 minutes again, as it basically re-downloads and installs Anaconda2.

Make sure you remember whether you are using the “plain” Anaconda2, or whether you are using Anaconda3 with a Python 2 environment. Change to the right environment now.

1.2. Install Kivy

Installation instructions for Kivy for your platform are on the Kivy website:


Follow the instructions for your operating system. Don’t be scared, it should actually go pretty well. MUSCIMarker does not require gstreamer, so you can skip that part of the requirements (as applicable to your platform).

1.3. Install git

If you’re not in the command line already, open it and send the command:

conda install git

This one takes some 3-5 minutes.

1.4. Install the muscima package

MUSCIMarker uses this package for dealing with the annotation files. Get it like this:

git clone https://github.com/hajicj/muscima
cd muscima
python setup.py develop

That’s all the prerequisites, and now you can install MUSCIMarker itself.

1.5. Install MUSCIMarker

MUSCIMarker is installed through the Git source control system. It’s pretty straightforward. The minimum interaction involves only one extra command on your part that ensures your version of MUSCIMarker is up-to-date. Plus, if something screws up, it’s easy to go back to a functioning version, and it’s equally easy to reinstall. You do not need any git knowledge, just run the commands below.

To install the program, still in the command line:

git clone https://github.com/hajicj/MUSCIMarker

MUSCIMarker should now be installed in your home directory, in a subdirectory called MUSCIMarker.

You can verify the installation by running:

cd MUSCIMarker/MUSCIMarker
python main.py

Right here, you should be able to continue with the Tutorial.

(For the curious: the cd command means “(c)hange (d)irectory”. Typing a name goes down into the directory (or more: cd MUSCIMarker/MUSCIMarker goes down two levels, both named MUSCIMarker). Two dots (cd ..) means going one level up in the directory tree.)

1.6. Running MUSCIMarker

When you want to run MUSCIMarker again:

  1. Open the command line.

  2. Only if you made the special Python 2 conda environment: source activate py27

  3. cd MUSCIMarker

  4. git pull to update to the latest version.

  5. cd MUSCIMarker again (there are two directories called MUSCIMarker, one inside the other).

  6. Run python main.py and the MUSCIMarker window should open.

If you are not sure that the git pull step finished successfully, try running git pull again. If your MUSCIMarker is correctly updated, it should tell you that it is already up to date.

1.7. What could go wrong?

On some systems, we have encountered problems during installation. We list these problems and give solutions whenever we have them.

1.7.1. OpenGL version requirements

Kivy requires OpenGL 2.0 and above. If you run MUSCIMarker and encounter an error message saying that only OpenGL 1.1 can be found, it could be caused by (a) outdated graphics drivers, (b) the multisample kivy configuration parameter. The solution to (a) is to update your drivers. The solution to (b) means opening .kivy/config.ini, find the multisamples line in the [graphics] section and set it to multisamples = 0.

1.7.2. No valuable window provider

In one case, kivy couldn’t get SDL2 to open a window. In this case, the solution was to install the gstreamer dependency (see KivyInstall) and add the gstreamer directory to the PATH variable. It’s a problem probably

caused by conflicting versions of libpng16_16.dll.

1.7.3. Old version of MKL in system DLL path

If numpy import fails on multiarray.so, one potential cause may be a version conflict with Intel’s MKL library: if there is MKL on the system DLL path (like: C:\Windows\system32\mkl_intel_thread.dll), Windows finds it first and there is no way to tell it to ignore it and go find Anaconda’s MKL. On Linux and OS X, you can use the nomkl conda package, but there is no math library other than MKL for Anaconda’s numpy binaries to link to on Windows.

We haven’t been able to solve this problem yet. A possible solution is to track down whichever application felt the need to install MKL into the system path and move the DLLs there. However, this may easily result in system breakage: create arecovery point first!