MUSCIMarker is an app that marks object locations on the page. The name stands for “MUsical SCore Image Marker”: the primary purpose of the app is to mark locations of notation symbols in images of musical scores. (Although it can in principle support any kind of 2-D object marking.)



This work is supported by the Czech Science Foundation, grant number P103/12/G084.


The instructions are here: Installing MUSCIMarker.


As it stands now, we don’t have installation packages that would work for people who don’t have Python. We’re working on it, though.


You need Python 2.7 – although most of MUSCIMarker should be compatible with Python 3, we haven’t yet tested this. (It’s fine if you have a Python 2 virtual environment such as conda – see Installing MUSCIMarker.)

What now?

Once you install MUSCIMarker, go through the Tutorial. It will gently teach you how to use MUSCIMarker, and introduce the most important concepts.

Once you are done with the tutorial, the Annotation Instructions will give you the details of how to annotate music notation symbols.

A complete description of what can be done with MUSCIMarker is available in Controlling MUSCIMarker.


MUSCIMarker is developed at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics. Usage questions should be addressed to and bugs/crashes should be reported through the project’s GitHub issue tracker.


Indices and tables